Atlas GeoSolutions Limited

Construction & Real Estate
  • Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Leads Generation Africa

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Atlas GeoSolutions Limited

Construction & Real Estate

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Atlas GeoSolutions Limited was incorporated in Nigeria in 2002 and commenced full operation two years later from a temporary facility at Rumuogba, Port Harcourt.The company has its new operations offices in Port Harcourt with a purpose-built office complex and workshop facilities.With a team of experienced and specialized people drawn from various fields such as IT engineering, surveying, marine geography, geology, geophysics and allied disciplines, Atlas GeoSolutions is well positioned to deliver high quality and effective services within the framework of an efficient Quality Management System.The company has over the years procured and activated high-end systems and technology to ensure that we are at the cutting-edge of the industry with continuing improvements to facilities and methodology based on experiences and the demands of the industry segments we provide services to.

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