Africa Automotive Directory

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BC Design Limited

Construction & Real Estate

Accra, Ghana

our rapid build system comes to the site in the form of a Kit ofparts . This is then assembled on site in a day or twoModules can be added or taken away in a vertical or horizontalfashion with the building erected, disassembled and re-erectedon little prepared groundThe building is predominantly made up of a steel frame usingstructural insulated panels for infill as walls and roofsthe best part is ,because it stands on Pads it saves the time andcost of preparing a concrete platform-some uses includeGARDEN OFFICES , GYM, SAUNA , DANCE / MUSIC ROOM , FAMILY RETREAT ,GUEST ROOM . GRANNY FLAT , HOLIDAY HOME , TEMPORARY TO PERMAMENTCOMMERCIAL OR RESIDENCIAL ACCOMODATION , STORAGE UNITS , DISASTERHOUSING FOR THE RESCUE CREW , MILITARY BARACKS, SECURITY OR PLANTROOMS ETC...............

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