Tensae Int'l Business Enterprise PLC

Building Materials
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Pattex Dubai Africa

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Tensae Int'l Business Enterprise PLC

Building Materials

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tensae Int’l Business Enterprise Plc (TIBE) is a private limited company established in Ethiopia with major experience in the international trading activity involved in import and manufactures and/or suppliers representation. The owners of the company have a rich and varied experience in the business scene of Ethiopia.

The enterprise is encouraged by the market potential and general investment climate created in the country at the same time, they have ardent desire to diversify their business in to a vitally important sector which is key to the economic development of the country.

Currently TIBE has an average turnover of US$ 6.0million and more than 15 employees.

The country’s economic growth and the priority given to the infrastructure development specially to the power, transport and water sector together with our achievement in supplying goods and services to various public, private and non governmental organizations has led us to find a reliable source for developmental goods.

To build or business based on a consistently followed policy of adjusting overall plan to the long-term economic program of the country.

To be, one of the leading suppliers and representatives in the infrastructural development sector.

Our policy is to organize each sector with fully competent techno-commercial professionals, full decisions making power to perform their job.

Our involvement, in association with our principals, has a historical background, which enriches our knowledge and experience of the local market.

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