Africa Automotive Directory


Construction & Real Estate

Lobatse, Botswana

Thabsigns is a manufacturer and supplier  of road and safety signs in Botswana . With our experience spanning well over 13 years, we have developed a thorough understanding of all the requirements when it comes to road traffic signs.

Thabsigns was established by a team of dynamic, experienced members each with a successful track record in the  road signage industry. We aim to continue to build on a tradition of reliability, quality and exceptional service.

A range of signs that are used to indicate or reinforce traffic laws, regulations or requirements which apply either at all times or at specified times or places upon a street or highway, the disregard of which may constitute a violation, or signs in general that regulate public behavior in places open to the public.

Road Signs

  • Regulatory Signs
  • Warning Signs
  • Guidance Signs
  • Informative Signs

Our signs are manufactured in accordance with related SADC standards and specifications  as they are extremely important wayfinding and warning mechanisms. 

We have for over 13 years, proudly served the traffic sign needs of towns, villages ,businesses ,construction companies ,governments ,hospitals and schools with Botswana made road and traffic signage.

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