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Pipal Ltd.

Construction & Real Estate

Nairobi, Kenya

Pipal Limited was established in Kenya in 1993 as a project finance advisory and management service. Since then, Pipal has grown into a diversified consulting firm specialized in project development, finance and management, as well as leadership, effective teams and strategic change.

Pipal works with successful companies to develop and extend their businesses and to start new projects. We also work with under-performing companies and institutions to improve their viability. We identify and resolve corporate and project financing requirements and work on improving their management capabilities.  Pipal also takes a lead in developing private sector led infrastructure projects in East Africa, has a deep expertise with Public-Private Partnerships and currently has a major focus on energy (renewable and energy efficiency) and agricultural ventures.


With over 30 years of experience in project management and project finance, including 15 years in East Africa, we create solutions for lasting growth with pioneering project finance and management solutions in the African markets. Pipal is recognised for well thought through projects and the solid perseverance required to originate and close deals across a wide range of industry sectors.

Pipal works closely with most of the financial institutions which are active in Eastern and Central Africa. These include:

Local commercial banks and private equity funds;

Multi- and bi-lateral financial institutions such as: DEG, European Union, World Bank, IFC, KfW, AfDB, Proparco;
Development agencies: Rockefeller Foundation, AGRA, USAID.
Current and recent projects are spread across a broad range of economic sectors: including renewable energy, private and public agricultural commodities production, storage and processing, coastal ports concessions and private container installations, horticulture, manufacturing, food and beverages, financial services, utilities (in particular, water and power) to name a few. 

A current renewable energy project is looking at producing biogas and electricity from sisal waste. Past projects have included research programmes bringing realism on sweet sorghum and jatropha, (eg. DEG Jatropha Programme). Through these programmes, Pipal has been deeply involved in developing the Kenya National Biofuels Policy and mapping Kenya with partners, to highlight potential multi-crop areas while protecting areas of high conervation value and willdlife corridors.  Pipal also undertakes feasiblity studies for innovations that support both human and environmental health, such as a revolutionary multii-fuel stoves 

Pipal also supports project proposal development, and faciliating strategic change and effective implementation of large scale projects through structuring and facilitating relevant change events while improving leadership and team skills.  Recent clients inlude, AIRCA, UN-REDD++, CABI, USAID and CGIAR challenge programmes giving Pipal a deep understanding of current agricultural and environmental issues. At the same time, Pipal has worked with KCA and Makarere Universities to look at makes East African leaders of SME"s sucessful. 

Pipal Ltd supports and funds various community projects and deserving individuals who go on to become independent and successful. 

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