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It has been an adventurous decade or more for BRITINIA, with ingredients, shapes, colours, taste, design and other attributes evolving over time to provide consumers with more than 40 products.To BRITINIA belongs the credit of introducing flexible packaging on a local brand for the first time in Kenya, for which Jambo Biscuits achieved the prestigious recognition of ³Diamond Mark of Quality² from the Kenya Bureau of Standards. It¹s high quality biscuits are supplied to Kenya¹s Armed Forces, UNICEF,WFP, many NGO¹s and other international organizations.
ambo Biscuits (K) Ltd., was born in the year 1987. It was the brainchild of Mr. Nitin Dawda, who remains the chief executive to date. From our humble beginning at Lunga Lunga Road, Jambo Biscuits Ltd. (JBL) has attained its shape, market position and elegance over the years. We currently operate from our extensive custom-built plant and facility on the busy Kampala Road, in the Industrial Area of Nairobi, Kenya.
JBL had started with manufacturing of biscuits as its key activity. It later successfully diversified into the snack foods and confectionery markets. Today, JBL has grown into an ultra modern manufacturing facility, comprising of high tech production and packaging lines, from renowned world manufacturers. Local manpower was then trained to run the plant. The huge progress and growth of JBL has evolved due to a broad initial vision.
The vision was to achieve market leadership through development of a business with solid infrastructure in terms of capital investments and technical inputs, driven by competent highly motivated personnel that can produce high quality products for the common man at reasonable and affordable prices.
Jambo Biscuits' recent launch of its new brand Jambo 320 at very competitive prices and superior quality is prove that visionary and customer focussed leaderships, with properly team worked human resource, using state-of-the-art infrastructure can achieve stated business goals. Over a period of time JBL has successfully built a very elaborate distribution system, thus ensuring its products are accessible in all possible corners of Kenya and to a good extent in the other parts of Comesa Region. Wide presence of Jambo Biscuits in the export market in the whole of Comesa region reflects wide consumer acceptability of our products.
We insist on high quality raw materials from locally and internationally reputable sources. Our in-house quality control laboratory is a major input in our over all quality assurance program. Britania always aims at passing stringent quality requirements of Kenya Bureau of Standards (KBS) thus being awarded the highest quality hallmark , the “Diamond Mark Of Quality".
To meet diverse stated and implied customer needs, Jambo Biscuits designs products accordingly. For example we manufacture High Energy / Protein Biscuits for the UNICEF, WFP, NGO’s and other International Organizations. We produce special Army Biscuits exclusively for the Armed Forces.
Through diversification and continuous capacity building, JBL has a presence in the snack products and confectionery markets We are still marching forward and in the time to come, from JBL shall come wafers, crackers etc., to satisfy our consumer’s taste buds.