Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI)

Automobile Parts
  • Randburg, South Africa

Africa Automotive Directory

Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI)

Automobile Parts

Randburg, South Africa

The RMI, with a membership of 7500, provides a very effective collective voice that gives considerable clout to its members. It is through this collective voice that the RMI strive to create better trading conditions for its members.

The reality is that as a small/medium individual business, one has very little say in affairs. Government will not talk to thousands of individual businesses. Oil companies, insurance companies, vehicle manufacturers and unions are not going to be influenced by individuals either. The RMI is the solution.

Never before in the history of this industry has it been more relevant and necessary to belong to an Organisation like the RMI. You may well ask why? Very simply because industry is faced on a daily basis with continual and rapid change, no one is doing business in the same way as they did 2 to 3 years ago. Future survival of business will largely depend on a business’ ability to proactively manage that change.

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