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National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA)
Automobile Parts
- 260483, Excom, South Africa

National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA)
Automobile Parts
260483, Excom, South Africa
Numsa is the biggest metalworkers trade union in South Africa with more than 339, 567 members (as at January 2014).
Formed in 1987, it merged five different unions, some of whom had formed in the 1960s and 1970s. So Numsa brings a wealth of experience to trade unionism. It is the biggest trade union (except in Eskom) in all national bargaining forums where it bargains.
Shop stewards at each and every workplace backed up by nearly 200 full-time officials in 60 offices across the country will:
Defend your rights at work
Take up your grievances
Represent you in disciplinary and appeal hearings as soon as you become a member – no waiting time
Fight unfair labour practices, retrenchments and all forms of discrimination
Bargain to improve your wages and working conditions
Provide funeral benefits for you and your family as soon as you start paying subscriptions – no restrictions, no exclusions.
Bursaries for children of NUMSA members
Since the first democratic elections in 1994, Numsa has thrown its lot behind the alliance to improve workers’ lives even though it respects individual members’ rights to vote for the political party of their choice. Numsa has always said that it will reassess this alliance from time to time to see if it is achieving this objective. In 2013 Numsa Special congress, Numsa decided to break ties from the alliance partners.