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The Kombo Farms company is a beef and dairy producer and meat processing factory which aims to produce premium quality milk produce and beef for local consumption. Their milk is produced in modern, hygienic conditions and to reduce the chances of food poisoning it is pasteurised. Their meat is handled and processed under strict hygienic conditions and is hung in chiller rooms to produce tenderness and quality.
They also have a butcher's deli counter selling sirloin, rump steaks, silverside, mince and fillet steaks.
Kombo Farms Limited is embarking on a dairy and beef project that started in 2005. It is to become the first established high-quality beef and milk production company in the history of the Gambia. Milk is one of the most nutritious sources of protein and energy, and yet it is out of reach of the average Gambian.
Currently, all milk consumed in the Gambia is imported, save the locally, and unhygienically produced Gambian milk. Studies have shown that most of the dairy products in Africa are biologically unsafe to consume due to poor hygienic and technological standards. This project is a multi-dimensional one that has potential to affect different aspects of society.