LOC-PRO Steel Structures (Zambia)

Construction & Real Estate
  • Lusaka, Zambia

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LOC-PRO Steel Structures (Zambia)

Construction & Real Estate

Lusaka, Zambia

Loc-Pro has affirmed itself as one of the Leading Structural Engineering Companies in Zambia successfully completing over 300 steel structures in varying sectors. Loc-Pro Steel Structures (Zambia) has gone a long way since it's birth in early 1978. Incorporated and developed as a tools manufacturing company to fill a demand caused by import restrictions, Loc-Pro was particularly involved in product design, development and production aspects. It promoted a nation-wide marketing plan by appointment of prominent retail companies as agents in all main towns in Zambia (Africa). 

Products manufactured and distributed included: forks, shovels, shears, vices, clamps, chisels, hydraulic presses, etc. It then initiated a diversification program from basic hand tools manufacturing to steel fabrication, structural steelwork and general engineering to offset unfair import competition resulting from an artificially strong Kwacha. Utilising production skills acquired and contacts cultivated it secured and successfully completed contracts with major Zambian Companies. Typical projects engaged in were: Fuel service station canopies (BP, TOTAL and AGIP), Water tanks and towers, Security gates and bars, Heat exchanger chimney stacks, Stainless steel ovens, Sheds, Workshops, Warehouses, Radio masts, Industrial shelving, Billboards for road sides and sport centres 

It has grown together with the country and hopes to help in making Zambia one of Africa's leading economic nations. Loc-Pro Zambia, was born primarily as a producer of Industrial and Agricultural Tools and Equipment. It set aggressive goals and drove itself to achieve them, recognizing that its products would have changed the way people worked and lived. Loc-pro Steel Structures, in the early '90, was forced to change with the changing times, moving on to always bigger projects but, at the same time, maintaining the level of quality, performance and value that had always earned the respect and loyalty of its customers. 

We recognize the need to offer you a competitive price with no compromise on material quality and design.

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