Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd.

Freight & Logistics
  • Port Louis, Mauritius

Agents in Africa

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Cargo Handling Corporation Ltd.

Freight & Logistics

Port Louis, Mauritius

The Cargo Handling Corporation Limited, a private company with state shareholding , manages porthandling operations: loading, unloading, delivery and reception. The Cargo Handling Corporation Limited, is a full-fledged operator, which has entered into a concession contract with the Mauritius Ports Authority for general cargo, dry bulk and container handling at Port Louis. 

Competitive Advantages 
Compared to other ports in the region, Port Louis stands out by the numerous advantages it offfers, ranging from the competitive tariffs - in many respects unmatchable, organised workforce backed by smooth industrial relations, high security for cargo, excellent communication channels via radio trunking to a personalised customer service. 

Operational Achievements Since the start of operations at the Mauritius Container Terminal on January15, 1999, the productivity figures have steadily been increasing. Starting at around some 10moves per gross crane/hour in January 1999, the gross productivity has reached more than 20 moves per crane/hour enabling a ship rate of 65 moves per hour.

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