Company Registrations

  • Harare, Zimbabwe

LinkedIn Africa Business Pages

Company Registrations


Harare, Zimbabwe

Expert company registrations in Zimbabwe in just 10 days. Reliable, fast and convenient service. Order online, pay with VISA, Mastercard, ZimSwitch, Paypal, Ecocash or Telecash.

Register your business in Zimbabwe as a PBC (Private Business Corporation) or PLC (Private Limited Company). We have helped many entrepreneurs to successfully register their companies in just 12 working days.

Registered Consultants
We are registered consultants with the DCIP (Registrar of Companies) guaranteeing that your  company documentation is prepared properly and by a company with a traceable record.

Professional Service
Angel & Walt is a professional consulting firm built on the values of exceptional customer service and reliability. We want to be a partner with you in starting and growing your business to success

100% Genuine Papers
We don’t take shortcuts, we process your company the legal way. We guarantee that every company registered through us is 100% genuine and you can easily verify this soon after registration.

Guaranteed Results
We have never failed to complete a registration! Our track record is backed by thousands of clients whom we have assisted in starting their businesses. We have no intention of changing that record.

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