Sleek Events

  • Stellenbosch, South Africa

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Sleek Events


Stellenbosch, South Africa

Sleek Events offers rental packages that are trendy, versatile and affordable. Our lounge pocket packages are designed to be adaptable to any venue and provide a stylish and simple framework for any occasion. We offer a range of services to our clients for all types of events in and around The Western Cape, South Africa.

A collection based on quality over quantity

Sleek EVENTS has a collection of modern and versatile furniture and decor items for hire.

Our furniture range consists of neutrally toned items, specially curated by our creatives. This collection of neutrally toned furniture ensures a modern and elegant look in any space. A collection ranging from furniture, table scape hiring, and decor items, we got it all.

We have created lounge pocket packages ensuring that designing your own event couldn’t be any easier and more exciting.

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TAPA Thailand 2025

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