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Hekiman Housing Africa Ltd.

Construction & Real Estate

Kampala, Uganda

Hekiman Housing Africa Ltd. is leading building contractor and developer in the construction industry of Uganda. We have a vast experience in architecture design and build,interior design, renovation works and roofing services. Our very able workmanship is ready to deliver high quality build services to your ultimate satisfaction within set time and budget.

We personally meet with the client for introduction and for site visit where the neccesary measurements are taken. Our company works as a team of creative architects, interior designers and construction managers, to translate your vision to visuals that evoke emotions and inspire action.

Architectural & structural designs

Our team of architects come up with high quality architecture designs that are market standard to suit your needs.With the design one gets a master layout,3D renders and a video walkthrough.

Quantity Survey

A survey of the site is done.The construction managers come up with the bill of quantities which shows the estimate amount that will be used during the construction

Construction Phase

Our construction is led by highly qualified construction managers who deliver market standard buildings .We come up with a work program that will be followed during the construction so as to deliver high quality work in the intended time

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