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Zigoti coffee is a brand of Uganda's finest Arabica coffee organically grown on the mountains of Bugisu and Sebei. The company buys patchment coffee from individual farmers who use hand-operated pulpers to produce washed Arabica coffee. On the world market there is an increased demand for washed coffee over the naturals.
Washed coffees are often described as milder and have a less bitter taste. Hence Zicofe had a mission as one of the strategic ways to add value to Uganda's coffee by roasting, grinding and packaging of washed Arabica coffee.
Our roasted beans are 100% Ugandan coffee that is freshly roasted and packed to give the finest coffee Africa has to offer.
ZICOFE embraces several degrees of roast including light roast, medium roast and dark roast. We do this to cater for the different consuler tastes.
Roasted beans are available in sachets of 250 gms.
ZICOFE has started roasting, grinding and packing coffee under extremely hygienic conditions to offer our clients the best coffee.
To improve and sustain Uganda's coffee quality, we use coffee that is organically grown on the slopes of Mount Elgon - called WASHED UGANDA ARABICA (WUGAR).
This is packed in sachets of 250 gms, 100 gms, 50 gms and 10 gms.
ZICOFE shall very soon release to the market vacuum packed instant coffee powder.
Mr. Enock Kisuule Kato founded Zigoti Coffee Works Ltd (ZICOFE) together with Mrs. Rose Kato 19 years ago. From its early days, ZICOFE has been a name to reckon with in the industry of coffee production, processing and export.
The company was one of the first indigenous firms to build its own primary processing plant which was able to sell Fair Average Quantity (FAQ) coffee locally, and soon afterwards internationally. Over the years, the company has embraced change for its own betterment and improvement of rural livelihoods through providing employment opportunities and, market to small scale coffee producers around the country.
In order to keep abreast with the latest trends in the industry, the company has branched out to the more refined levels of coffee roasting which is a value-addition strategy.