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Ethiopia Plastic S. Co.

Plastics, Packaging & Paper

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia Plastic S. Co. is the pioneer in the manufacturing of Plastic Products in Ethiopia. Through time the company is expanding its capital structure and its Product line in a great extent compared to the initial establishment through time.

Construction materials: - Covers about 75% of the company Production and sales
Different sizes of electric wires & cables as IEC Standards
PVC Pipes of different sizes as ISO and DIN Standards
HDPE & PPR Pipes of different Sizes as ISO and DIN standards
Junction boxes Covers
Garden hoses
Poly sheets & bags for warping Packaging & agricultural uses
House hold materials

Ethiopia Plastic Share Company is Government owned public Enterprise which had been initially established by five Italian private entrepreneurs in 1960 by about 270,000 paid up capital after five years of its Establishment due to the Government Change in Ethiopia in 1973 the government has taken 55% of the share while living the remaining 45% to the Owners & consequently in 1978 the Government was fully Owned the company. Currently the company is fully Government owned Public Enterprise and it is expanded its capital structure and its product line by a great extent when compared to the initial establishment as it is explained in this company profile.

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