Bulawayo Publicity Association

  • Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

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Bulawayo Publicity Association


Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

The Bulawayo Publicity Association was established in 1932 to promote and publicise nationally, all aspects of the City of Bulawayo and surrounding districts in commerce and industry, tourism, sport, arts and culture. It provides a personal information service to enquirers and a place of first contact for visitors to the City. The objects of the Association are: To promote the interests of Bulawayo and District. 

To publicise the tourist attractions of the area. To encourage industrial and commercial development in Bulawayo. To provide a first-class information service. 

To attract visitors and settlers, to encourage the establishment of new industries and generally to advance the interests of the city and district of Bulawayo. 

To advertise Bulawayo and district nationally, regionally and internationally, by means of booklets, folders, press advertisements, pictures, dvds, internet and email and any other means which may appear desirable, and to carry out this work alone or in conjunction with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, Municipalities, other Publicity Bodies and the Tourist industry. 

To conduct Information Bureau for the benefit of visitors and others; to co-operate with appropriate Government Departments and other organisation in disseminating useful information. 

To obtain subscriptions from members, grants from Government, Municipalities and other bodies or to raise revenue by other means. 

Generally to do all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the of the Association.

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