Vhelbherg Imperial Hotel

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism
  • Rivers State, Nigeria

Goodyear Tyres Dubai Africa

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Vhelbherg Imperial Hotel

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism

Rivers State, Nigeria

We have put together a range of facilities for your enjoyment throughout your stay. A 500KVA private NEPA transformer and 2 sound proof FG Wilson power generating sets are available to ensure constant and uninterrupted power supply. There is, also, a water bore hole for constant water supply. Our restaurant is open to all guests. Whatever you choice of meal, our kitchen team is always available to meet your needs. 

We have two conference centers with sitting capacity of 15 and 20, suitable for board meetings, annual general meetings, club executive meetings, etc.. Each conference room is equipped with flip charts, an overhead Projector, video equipment and slide projector. Round-the-clock security personnel are also available. We can provide private escorts to guests on request. Our security personnel are well trained and courteous.

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