Ethio Comfort Guest House

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Ethio Comfort Guest House

Hotels, Lodges & Tourism

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethio Comfort Guest House is the new, modern, shining building at the downhill of Addis Ababa ready to give its esteem customers all the required Ethiopian style luxury facilities. Ethio Comfort has furnished with new style and mood to meet the level our guests expectations. 

Ethio Comfort Guest House is located in the Bole Sub-city, about seven minute drive from Bole International Airport. Ethio Comfort as its name implies cares for the comfort and safety of its honored clients. 

We don't have the slightest hesitation when we inform you that your stay in Addis Ababa and else where in the country will be rewarding and successful if you choose Ethio Comfort to be your gateway to Ethiopia. 

Each room is furnished with quality traditional curtains, bed spreads and chairs that highlight major customs of the country. All the furnishings are well chosen for both beauty and comfort. Our guest house offers guests a warm and inviting residential ambience with all the usual modern conveniences.

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