Foodstuff & Beverages
  • Nairobi, Kenya

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Foodstuff & Beverages

Nairobi, Kenya

East Africa's leading manufacturers and marketers of quality breakfast cereals and other nutritious foods for entire families and pets.

Proctor & Allan breafast cereals are household favorites which compete at par with the best international brands. The range includes Proctor & Allan Cornflakes, Rice Crispies, Wheat Flakes, Natural Cereal Muesli and Crisp-Bran. Start your day the healthy way with Proctor & Allan Breakfast cereals.

Proctor & Allan (EA) Ltd. also manufactures other products including oat products, sausage rusks, gravy mix, and relief foods. (Unimix or Corn Soya Blend (CSB).

We export our full range of products to the Comesa region, working closely with our distributors and close partners. We also provide marketing support to our export customers to help ensure that they bring their best to their customers.W

Proctor & Allan East Africa Ltd was incorporated in April 1999 after Proctor & Allan Ltd. was acquired by a group of investors and the Acacia Fund Ltd.

The company is commited to building long term growth in volume and profit giving the customer value for money.

To meet and exceed customer expectations, the Company invested in plant upgrading and quality assurance to international standards. To this end, Proctor & Allan was certified ISO 9002 in August 2001 and is currently working at achieveing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HAACP)

This is a practical hands-on system to ensure that we are proactive in our operations 

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