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Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) is a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Plc, a London listed diversified FTSE 100 metals and mining group with operations in India, Australia, Namibia, South Africa, Ireland and Zambia. Konkola Copper Mines plc health policy provides for quality free healthcare to its employees and registered dependents. The policy also allows for other companies and the community to access the KCM healthcare services on a minimal non-profit cost recovery basis.
The healthcare services are provided at a standard level without discrimination through a managed care delivery system. The objectives of the healthcare service are to provide quality healthcare, contribute to community health improvement and national healthcare sufficiency.
The KCM healthcare service is very active in the community through various community outreach programmes. Mission, Vision and Value Commitment To provide quality, cost-effective clinical, preventive and occupational healthcare to Konkola Copper Mines plc employees, dependants and the community. Vision To be among the first in healthcare provision, contributing to national healthcare. Medical Facilities KCM owns and operates two modern hospitals and seven clinics to provide healthcare to employees and the community.
The two hospitals, the Nchanga South Hospital in Chingola and the Konkola Mine Hospital in Chililabombwe offer high quality healthcare services to its employees and the general public. The hospitals offer a range of services and they are staffed by consultants in Medical, Paediatrics, Urology, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Anaesthesia. Specialist services that are provided include Endoscopy, Haemodialysis and Ophthalmology. Konkola Hospital has a State-of-the-Art in Haemodialysis unit.
Rollback Malaria Programme From the year 2000 KCM has been involved in an aggressive campaign to control malaria in its areas of operation. The KCM Rollback Malaria Programme Involves: The KCM Rollback Malaria Programme involves, indoor residual spraying of more than 36,000 houses in Chililabombwe, Chingola and Nampundwe, elimination of mosquito breeding sites and use of insecticide treated nets.
Through these efforts, there were no deaths due to malaria in KCM health facilities between 2002 and 2008, with only 2 in 2009. Malaria incidences have been reduced by over 80% since 2001. The KCM Rollback Malaria Programme has been adopted as a national model for malaria eradication.
HIV/AIDS Policy KCM has a non-discriminatory HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy that protects the confidentiality of employees' HIV status, employees' rights to work and benefits and stipulates that no pre-employment HIV screening will occur and that the company will not conduct compulsory testing.
The company annually invests significantly in a programme aimed at raising awareness to prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS. This includes voluntary counseling and testing, condom distribution, syndrome treatment of sexually transmitted illnesses, TB control programme, prevention of mother to child transmission and home based care. The company provides free ARVs to affected employees and their dependants.
Free Eyeglasses Programme
The company undertook "Moneni 2 Free Eyeglasses Project" to restore sight to people in Chingola, Chililabombwe, Kitwe and Nampundwe. The main aim of the programme was to free screening and correct refractive errors to school going children and adults above the age of 40 years. This was national outreach programme that has so far benefitted close to 20,000 people.