Africa Business Directories

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Steel Structures Ltd.

Construction & Real Estate

Nairobi, Kenya

At Steel Structures Limited, engineering is our strength. Equipment Premises Memberships Employment Training All personnel from technician level upwards are equipped with computers which are networked to a complete 'Management Information System'. In addition to this, all Project Coordinators and Draughtsmen (as well as senior personnel) are also connected to each other via a separate network. This ensures the fast flow of information both vertically and horizontally across the whole company. 

Our engineering design section is one of the most technologically advanced in East & Central Africa. Designs can be carried out using the latest specialized structural analysis/design software available in the market today. 

Features such as advanced 'elastic-plastic analysis' of steel frames utilise the properties of steel to the limit, resulting in the the most economic designs possible. Structural analysis, design, drafting and detailing can be fully integrated thus providing a very economic and effective solution to all projects, large and small. 

Buildings with high engineering complexity, that would otherwise involve large amounts of time, can be easily and quickly designed with the added advantage of incorporating any changes virtually immediately. 

Our Drawing Office is one of the most impressive departments in the country. Our network of Computer Aided Design (CAD) workstations permits the generation of fast, accurate, and neat technical drawings (approval drawings, workshop (fabrication) details and erection drawings) that can be very quickly modified.

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