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Max Migold Ltd is a physical facilities advisory, training, inspections and technology solutions firm targeting a niche clientele of Multi-national and Nigerian organizations who yearn for best value creation, cost optimization, sustainability, and human capital development. We provide practical results-oriented consulting and training that translate into immediate economic, social and environmental bottom line earnings for our clients.
Services provided include physical facilities advisory services such as operations and maintenance cost reduction, energy audit, cost benchmarking, manpower supply, recruitment, maintainability and sustainability consulting, FM department organizational development and project management. Max-Migold Ltd also provides property inspection services with facility condition assessments and asset registers as deliverables. Other service offerings include FM training and FM technology solutions.
Our Services
- Cost Reduction
- Outsourcing Solutions
- Energy Audits/Energy Performance Contracting (Epc)
- Manpower Supply
- Recruitment
- Asset Register/Asset Tagging
- Facility Condition Assessment
- Cafm/Cmms Deployment
- Project Management
- Maintainability And Sustainability Consultancy
- Maintenance Scoping
- Cost Benchmarking
- Facility Management Organizational Development
- Facility Management Technology Solutions
We deliver substantial cost reduction in several areas of physical facility management through operations processes review, outsourced contracts initiation and reviews, vendor sourcing, prequalification and selection, value-based bidding and negotiations. Our optimization and cost reduction system delivers substantial cost savings for organizations. We are also able to harness and disseminate managerial and technical know-how for sustainable and cost-effective management of buildings.