Lamu Computer Centre

Computers & IT
  • Mpeketoni, Kenya

Zoom Enterprises

Lamu Computer Centre

Computers & IT

Mpeketoni, Kenya

Lamu Computer Centre is a private company registered as an IT Company. Everything has a beginning and our goal is to be the best IT company in Kenya and Africa with a goal to provide expert solutions to all the IT needs of any organization or individual starting with Lamu County. 

The Founder Raymond Mvuria has studied Computer Technology for 4 years at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja Campus and this is a great empowerment of operating from an angle of correct knowledge with no guesswork and it is this culture that he has strategized to impart in every person who will be employed by Lamu Computer Centre. 

The Co-Founder, Peter Karanja has studied Procurement at Kenya Institute of Management, Mombasa Branch and knows the inner dynamics of value creation to ensure that the client receives value for their money. 

We aim to be the technology partner of choice to individuals and organizations in the whole of Lamu County within the next 1 year. At Lamu Computer Centre we strive to provide high value at fair rates that favour and motivate growth to our clients. 

Our mission is to see a tech-savvy populace in the next 2 years. We are working day and night to strategize on how best to over-deliver on training and other product lines that we intend to launch for the sake of spurring growth in Lamu County before the effect ripples to other areas.

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