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GAMWORKS is jointly owned, by way of institutional membership, by the Gambia Chamber of Commerce (GCCI), the Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (TANGO), The Gambia Association of Local Government Authorities (GALGA), The Gambia Bar Association and the National Youth Council (NYC). These institutions through their individual representatives constitute the Board of Directors of GAMWORKS. The Board oversees the conduct and activities of the Agency. Monthly meetings are held at which the Board receives reports and sees how the Agency is measuring up to expectation.
The day-to-day management of the Agency is, however, entrusted to a Management team headed by a Director General, assisted by a Technical Director and a Finance and Administration Director and currently 22 staff members. (please follow the link to see our organisational chart).
GAMWORKS consists of three Departments namely: Directorate, Technical and Finance & Administration Departments, all of which are under the direct supervision and responsibility of the Director General.