Cim Global Management

  • Cape Town, South Africa

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Cim Global Management


Cape Town, South Africa

Cim Group companies have developed into leading financial services providers and administrators with a tradition of successful innovation coupled with a reputation for adherence to international standards, corporate governance and compliance. The driving forces behind our businesses are the demand for domestic and international financial services. The cornerstones of our business are domestic credit, international corporate and fund administration services, a newly acquired property portfolio with a strategic intent of expanding the group's value proposition. 

With over 1,000 employees, the majority based in Mauritius, and operations in Singapore and with presence in the UK and South Africa, Cim is at the forefront in providing financial services and administrative solutions to individual and institutional clients. Although recently listed on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius, the core companies within Cim have been in existence for more than 20 years. 

The domestic credit businesses have grown significantly and provide services to more than one third of all Mauritian households, whilst the international businesses provide services to a broad spectrum of international brands including sovereign funds, banks, wealth managers and private equity investments of which Cim can be justifiably proud.

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