Mobile Satellite Technologies

  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Africa Pharmaceutical Directory

Mobile Satellite Technologies


Johannesburg, South Africa

MSTSV Manufacture: Specialised Vehicles, Specialised Custom Built Vehicles, Cost Effective Custom Built VSAT Technology, Mobile Healthcare, Mobile Education, Mobile Law Enforcement Units, Mobile Service delivery units for rural areas. We manufacture and offer a wide range of mobile solutions that form an important part of essential infrastructures in remote areas. Besides being engaged in manufacturing, our business model includes providing additional solutions to consultancy services, advice, training, technical helpdesks, financing, etc.

We have an established background in IT and technical design. Given our experience in building and managing projects within the education sector, we are particularly proud of the increase in basic skills as a result. We also cater for the requirements of the health care and public sector as well as the mining and construction industries.

Each model of our comprehensive line of speciality vehicles, trucks and buses is custom-integrated with the instrument sof your choice, and technological features such as independent power supply and trouble-free satellite connectivity. Interior finishes include cabinetry and convenience items such as air-con, coffee machines, etc. 

Our Products:
Mobile Trailer Unit (MTU)
Mobile Exploration Unit (MEU)
Motorized Earth Station Antenna (MESA)
Mobile Executive Office Unit (MEOU)
Mobile iLab Training Unit (MiTU)

Our mission is to introduce innovation through turnkey solutions to improve lifestyles in disandvantaged, inaccessible communities and operations in remote areas. By offering proactive service and maintance support to ensure timely roll-out plans and sustainable solutions, we are able to contribute towards movements that are significally changing world-wide issues.

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