The Dominion Group of Companies Ltd

Foodstuff & Beverages
  • Guthrie, Oklahoma, Kenya

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The Dominion Group of Companies Ltd

Foodstuff & Beverages

Guthrie, Oklahoma, Kenya

The “Dominion Group of Companies” is the informal identity of a number of companies founded and owned by Calvin Burgess of Guthrie, Oklahoma. These companies provide a diverse range of services and products, from lodging properties in Mexico to large-scale farming in Kenya. For over 20 years they have responded to opportunities to privatize governmental functions and projects for which state and federal agencies lacked the funding or flexibility to deliver themselves. In addition to government contracting and leasing, The Dominion Companies are involved in aircraft maintenance and modifications, lodging, manufacturing and commercial farming.The origin of this group of companies dates to 1977 when Mr. Burgess founded a general contracting firm. That business expanded into commercial real estate development in 1986, since which year the Dominion Group has sited, designed, built and financed over 3.2 million square feet of public and commercial properties. Dominion. Active in North America, Central America and Africa, The Dominion Group pursues unique business opportunities, often with a contrarian approach to investment.On the following pages and attachments, you are invited to review some of the projects and properties that Dominion owns or has owned in recent years.

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