Health & Beauty
  • Cape Town, South Africa

Africa Pharmaceutical Directory

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Health & Beauty

Cape Town, South Africa

In 1991 Mr Mehboob Adam, a successful owner of 5 pharmacies, identified an opportunity in the wholesale pharmaceutical industry, created by the differential pricing structures of manufacturers.It was not long before Mr Adam found himself negotiating deals on bulk purchases from manufacturers, and then passing these price advantages on to his and a few friends' pharmacies. As demand from other pharmacies increased, Mr Adam found himself more and more involved in the wholesaling side of pharmacy, and in 1992 Kassbell Pharmaceuticals was formed with the name subsequently changing to Zenith Pharmaceutical Distributors in 1998.During July 2015 Iszipharm, a 100% black owned company, bought over the entire shares of Zenith Pharmaceutical Distributors. Zenith is now wholly owned by Iszipharm with Mr E Bhorat, Mr I Bhorat and Ms Z Hendricks as its shareholders and directors. All staff employed at Zenith are from previously disadvantaged backgrounds and have experience in the pharmaceutical industry.Zenith is licenced with the Department of Health and registered with the South African Pharmacy Council and Medicine Control Council of South Africa and complies with regulations set out by these statutory bodies.While Zenith previously focussed only on supplying ethicals, due to customer demand we have recently increased our surgical and front shop lines. Zenith supplies Pharmaceuticals to retail pharmacies, private hospitals, doctors and other registered healthcare professionals. We specialize in branded and generic medication.Zenith is the preferred supplier to the Melomed Private Hospital Group comprising of 4 hospitals and a private clinic in the Cape Town region - with a 5th hospital opening in December 2015. We are confident that this partnership will enhance our presence in the hospital industry.Zenith operates from its licenced premises in Athlone Industria. Being based in Cape Town, South Africa, our focus is primarily on servicing our 500+ customers based in the Western Cape.The Responsible Pharmacist is Mr Anvar Vasta, who is assisted by Ms Lamees Mohamed. The buying department comprises of dedicated ethical and surgical buyers under the management of the chief buyer Mr Haroon Saloojee, who is a qualified Pharmacist. Buyers ensure maintaining good stock levels and meeting the needs of our valued customers.

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