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NGC is one of Nigeria’s premier manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceutical, consumer products and oil & gas field chemicals. Nigerian German chemicals is a public limited liability company which until 23rd February, 1995 operated under the name “Nigerian Hoechst Plc”
A Company well respected for the caliber of its staff and for the innovativeness of its management, using employment practices that create an environment in which staff can enjoy their work.
The Customer:
Nigeria German Chemicals is devoted to giving the customer superior quality of goods and services in order to keep healthy and mutually beneficial business. We are dedicated to improving our goods and services and the value received by our customers.
The Staff:
The performance of our staff determines the success of the company, therefore we must demonstrate efficient skills, proven professional performance and best of our ability.
The Company operates on the principle of integrity in business activities and in human and personal relations, and would rather not engage in activities that compromise these values of integrity.
Team Work:
We believe that the oneness of purpose a positive synergy and advances productivity. Team work is therefore a Cherished and highly recommended point of call for all staff of NGC.