Lebolex - PtyLtd

Used Car Dealers
  • Johannesburg, South Africa

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Lebolex - PtyLtd

Used Car Dealers

Johannesburg, South Africa

LEBOLEX (PTY) LTD is a level 3 BBBEE 110% contributor wholly Black owned with a 52% shareholding by Black women. Lebolex is fully RMI accreditedLEBOLEX (PTY) LTD was founded out of a combined practical experience of more than 30 years in the automotive industry by its founders. This practical experience covers an end to end value chain management that is driven by CUSTOMER CENTRICITY and a PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE. This experience was appropriately demonstrated through 12 years of managing about 3 350 City of Jo’burg fleet which boasted a +95% fleet availability.Workshop offerings include;Mechanical Repairs & Auto electrical repairsPlant hireTyre management and supplyTechnological – Fleet Management system fully compatible with all major software such as SAPFleet Advisory services & ProcurementPanel beating (Insurance Approved)

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