I.B.S Consulting Alliance

  • Accra, Ghana

Agents in Africa

I.B.S Consulting Alliance


Accra, Ghana

I.B.S Consulting Alliance has been set up as a consortium of highly skilled professionals and executives willing to lend their knowledge and skill to create e new business paradigm and restructure private sector businesses located in African economies. I.B.S. Consulting Alliance provides Management Development Support, Capacity Building and Training to the SME segment of the private sector. 

The company's core competence resides in its creative and innovative partners and intellectual capital. Synergies derived from the web of collaborative relationships at I.B.S. Consulting Alliance translate into value-added benefits to our clients. We have so far established partnerships with international blue-chip companies like Business Resource Software, U.S.A (for all our expert systems), UProcess, South Africa (for all our training modules) and GOLEM, Austria (a UNIDO accredited company working to build S.M.E businesses globally). These partnerships have resulted in achieving strategic advantages such as Learning, Leveraging, Linking, Leaning, Leaping and Locking-Out. 

I.B.S Consulting Alliance is perhaps the first strategy consulting firm to be established in Ghana with a focus on Small and Medium Scale (S.M.E) businesses. An examination of the causes and reasons for indigenous corporate collapse and demise seem to suggest a fundamental structural weakness in most businesses which appears to be inherently linked to lack of strategic content and orientation in many businesses. 

As many businesses in Ghana and Africa struggle to cope with the currents of global changes, the traditional prescriptions for business growth (which is largely generic) has been a focus on injection of capital into business already reeling under the weight of the lack of sound strategies, systems and structures. Most businesses as a result, have struggled to cope, even under the status of "Micro, Small and Medium" scale enterprises. It is no wonder that Ghana and Africa can not boast of many trans-generational businesses. I.B.S Consulting Alliance dare to challenge the concept of "local business" and state emphatically that global influences have altered the structural complexion of most businesses and industries in very fundamental ways requiring strategic shifts and alterations in the way businesses are conducted. 

The global economy has largely transformed into a knowledge based economy requiring new skills and knowledge bases for firms to chart their innovative strategies. Innovation has thus become a critical tool for competitive advantage and value creation. 

In the present era of intensive and speedy generation of new knowledge within the framework of a network, organized and an innovative-driven economy, it is only natural to ask if an insufficient capacity to innovate in Ghana could be the root cause of non-development and non-integration into the world economy beyond that of traditional raw materials. I.B.S Consulting Alliance believes that Competitive advantage can be built; it is not inherent in a country. 

Countries doing poorly today are not doomed to poverty, nor are those who are doing well guaranteed success, because advantage can be frittered away. 

Furthermore there is little support for the idea that national champion companies improve the fortunes of a nation. Instead, pools of competitive industries building around particular strengths create advantage, that is, having strong domestic competition is vital. This is our passion, our dream and our vision. We are set-up and we exist to transform "local businesses" and to create a new enterprise culture.

I.B.S. stands for Innovative Business Solutions.

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