Nesbitt Hospitality Group

Travel Agents
  • Zimbabwe

Leads Generation Africa

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Nesbitt Hospitality Group

Travel Agents


The Nesbitt Hospitality Group currently has three Hotels under its wings. The Nebitt Castle and the newly established N1 Hotel are situated in Bulawayo and the Nesbitt Arms Hotel is based in Chiredzi.

We have our sights set on expanding the N1 Hotel throughout the country, so as to offer affordable self catering accomodation to Businessmen and Tourists alike in most of Zimbabwes major towns.

All three hotels will have their own websites, and you can get more information on each hotel, history and the facilities they offer through their websites. Currently the Nesbitt Castle site is full functional, with the Nesbitt Arms and N1 Hotel still under construction. Located in Chiredzi, this Hotel is an excellent place for both Business and Sales Persons who are down in Chiredzi on business.

The Nesbitt Castle
Located in Bulawayo, this Hotel has been rated one of the ten best Hotels in Zimbabwe. A truly luxurious experience for the Executive and Tourist alike with facilities for conferences, weddings, corporate cocktail parties, fashion shows, to mention just a few.

The N1 Hotel
The newest addition to our Hospitality Group. Situated in Bulawayo, this hotel provides affordable self catering accomodation to Businessmen and Tourists in the city.

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