Manufacturing Circle

Automobile Parts
  • Avenue, Melville, South Africa

Africa Automotive Directory

Manufacturing Circle

Automobile Parts

Avenue, Melville, South Africa

Unemployment is unsustainably high in South Africa. Manufacturing is the sector that offers the greatest potential to create jobs at respectable pay levels. These jobs will create a bigger market and economy for all, leading to higher levels of equality and government income, to enable delivery of better services and support to the poorest.

A strong and healthy manufacturing sector requires a deliberate and positive approach by all stakeholders to bring about an environment that is conducive to increased investment into manufacturing, improved competitiveness and job creation. For a multitude of reasons, for which we bear collective responsibility, that approach has not been timeously forthcoming, leaving our manufacturing sector lagging after the recession of 2009.

Nevertheless, many of the challenges facing manufacturing in South Africa today can be addressed by adjustments to our approach to economic policy development and implementation, as well as to how we govern and how we engage our trading partners to ensure a level playing field for our industries.
‘The Manufacturing Circle provides the platform for manufacturers to position the sector as the growth engine of the South African economy. The Manufacturing Circle is the voice for South African Manufacturing’.

The Manufacturing Circle spans all types of manufacturing, and speaks for all South African manufacturers. We ensure that our sector is consulted and heard when important policies are negotiated with government.
The Manufacturing Circle does not compete with any existing organisation. We promote a positive policy environment for manufacturing growth.  We do not function as an industry development body or an employer organisation. Our approach is co-operative, providing leadership to the sector, across the sector.

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