Omolayole Associates

  • Johannesburg, Nigeria


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Omolayole Associates


Johannesburg, Nigeria

Omolayole Associates is one of the leading audit forms in South Africa and offers a host of services. The company offers consultancy practice in the following fields of management:-

•  General Management
•  Corporate Planning and Organizational Development
•  Personnel Management with special emphasis on :-

(a) Manpower Planning and Forecasting
(b) Manpower Development and Training
(c) Industrial Relations
(d) Job Evaluation
(e) Total Remuneration Packages
(f) Salaries and Wages Administration
(g) Executive Remuneration Surveys
(h) Disciplinary Code and Grievance Procedures
(i) Employee/Company Handbook Preparation
(j) Labour Economics
(k) Labour Laws
(l) Industrial Conciliation/Mediation

• Training Activities include:-
(a) Rapid and Effective Reading Workshops
(b) Business Managerial Ethics
(c) Specialized In-house Training Programmes on request

•  Executive Recruitment Selection
•  Advisory Services for Medium and Small scale Businessmen
•  Entrepreneurship Development Programme
•  Introduction to Managerial Revolution for Owner/Managers
•  Manpower Audit
•  Investment Management
•  International Consultancy
•  Market Studies
•  Project Studies
•  Financial Accounting Management
•  Mergers and Acquisition
•  Export Management
•  Corporate Management Audit (Audit of Performance Contracts) 

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