Agents in Africa

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FMA Architects Ltd.

Construction & Real Estate

Lagos, Nigeria

FMA is a real state and architect company provides services in designing building and construction. Founded in Nigeria in 1973, FMA Architects is an interdisciplinary firm offering services in planning, policy foundation, architecture, project management and interior design throughout Africa.

The firm maintains fully staffed offices in Lagos, Abuja, Gaborone (Bostwana) and Pretoria (South Africa). All FMA offices collaborate and share resources as necessary to expand each team’s expertise and capacity. We also collaborate with international firms in the U.S.A, UK, Canada, Spain, and South Africa to implement highly complex projects.

Our expertise incorporates cost effective and contextually responsive designs for government agencies, universites. and private commercial operations, and our two Nigeria offices comprise 42 staff members.

Since inception, We have completed a variety of projects including housing, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, mobile communications switch centres, hotels and educational facilities at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

Many of these developments have involved the prior establishment of infrastructural facilities such as roads, electricity and water pipes, even before the commencement of the building structures. With more than 500 projects completed over the years, the members of FMA Architects have acquired proven experience in the design of buildings of of the highest aesthetic quality, which are also commercially viable and cost effective.

Our operations are fully computerised enabling us to produce a higher standard of design and documentation in the shortest time possible.

Some of our private sector projects have involved the development of briefs, programming and space planning, through to construction documentation and contract adminstration, and our major clients include Chevron, Texaco Nigeria Limited, Mobi, MTN Communications, Standard Chartered Bank, Stanbic IBTC Bank and some of the other major banks in Nigeria.

FMA is dedicated to design excellence which integrates function, aesthetics, sustainability and cost criteria. We collaborate with clients, consultants and contractors to plan and implement projects as a seamless team.

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