Flora Marketing Ltd.

Foodstuff & Beverages
  • Curepipe, Mauritius

Foodstuff Africa WhatsApp Group

Flora Marketing Ltd.

Foodstuff & Beverages

Curepipe, Mauritius

Flora Marketing Co. Ltd is a leading horticultural Freeport company involving in breeding, producing, sourcing and marketing quality tropical flora worldwide. Our basic agricultural development and production are found mostly in Southern African countries and Brazil, marketing and distribution through BPML Freeport Services Ltd and exporting in more than 30 countries. 

We are platform centre for wholesale, retail and nursery industries of high quality, useful in plug production, offers its diverse line of products to professional growers and retail market worldwide. This is the place where full selection of pictorial and attractive tropical species are available at the crossroads of Asia, Australia, Europe and the USA. We are uniquely placed as Indian Ocean's international sourcing hub.

Flora Marketing

Flora Marketing Co Ltd was established in 1982 and has been involved in floriculture for local market and has further expanded to import and export of ornamental, forestry, cycads, aquatic bulbs, palm species, vanilla and spices. We are involved in agricultural production, marketing and merchandising commodity.

Built upon a foundation of principles and ideas seldom found in business today, pride in workmanship, value, integrity and the ability to delivery goods on a timely basis. Our extensive knowledge and services of all aspects of growing, harvesting and shipping ensures that you will receive the best quality and satisfaction.

We encompass arid zones, mountains, African and tropical forest, coastal zone, Madagascar to smaller islands gear to promote interest in tropical species, plant conservation and in search of environmental excellence.

We are an online source for wholesale, retail and nursery industries of high quality - useful in plug production, offers its diverse line of products to professional growers and retail market. This is the place where full selection of pictorial and attractive tropical species are available at the crossroads of Asia , Australia , Europe and USA . With world-class transportation and a globally-integrated financial system, we are uniquely placed as Indian Ocean 's international sourcing hub.

Part-time consultant for European Development Fund (EDF) - Head Quarters: Bruxelles/Belgium : Support for compliance of ACP horticultural products.

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