Amani Conflict Resolution Services

  • Nairobi, Kenya

Africa Automotive Directory

Amani Conflict Resolution Services


Nairobi, Kenya

Amani Conflict Resolution Services is an alternative dispute resolution firm, with qualified professionals, offering legal consultancy, mediation services and conflict management training. Through our services we promote the understanding and adoption of a non-adversarial, reliable and affordable approach of conflict management and resolution.

We also work towards empowering financially vulnerable women in rural Kenya by offering dignified employment and mentorship programs.

Our Services

Conflict Management Training

Our training provides you with practical tips, techniques and strategies to effectively manage and resolve conflict. We deliver our trainings both virtually and through physical sessions.


Our Mediation services help to telescope issues in a matter of hours, that might alternatively take years in litigation. It allows parties to forge solutions based on underlying interests and helps preserve relationships.

Legal Consultancy

Our high-quality legal consultations allow you to understand and leverage your legal rights and to get the best possible results by making an informed decision

Why choose Amani Conflict Resolution Services?

Non-adverserial Processes
People in conflicts are out of proper rapport with each other and the experience to an empathetic response is inhibited. Our goal is to help conflicting parties resolve their disputes with dignity, mutual respect and civility.

Affordable Services
Ignorance of the law and unresolved conflicts is expensive as it often leads to billions worth of investments locked up in litigation. Our services helps to abet the escalation of conflict and is offered at a minimum cost affordable to all.

Quick Turn-Around Time
As the adage goes 'Time is Money', we value your time and are geared to help you resolve your conflicts, gain knowledge and understanding of the law in a timely and efficient manner.

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