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Construction & Real Estate

Lagos, Nigeria

We are one of the leading practices of Chartered Surveyors in Nigeria. The firm was founded in September 1973 and its registered number is 194878. It began operations on the 13th of September 1973 at 106/110 Lewis Street Lagos where it has remained ever since.WHO WE AREOtunba Tade Ismail founded the firm in 1973. He is a past President of the Nigerian Institution of Estates and Valuers (NIESV), President, International Federation of Real Estate (FIABCI) Nigeria.ISMAIL & PARTNERS is a firm with a vision of change. It is a partnership of forward looking, proactive and dynamic personalities whose main focus is the real estate market. An integrated team committed to providing the resources to support real estate solutions. Our objective since foundation has been to achieve the following: -To provide an efficient service in the development of real estate.To offer services in the evaluation and appraisal of real estate investment.To secure for our clients an efficient service in the marketing of real estate either on short or long term basis.To associate with cognate professions for the purpose of securing a harmonious environment. And to this we add:Forming a Partnership with clients in order to better help them by working alongside them and helping them with their planning and decision-making.

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