Elyco Motors Kisumu

Used Car Dealers
  • Kisumu, Kenya

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Elyco Motors Kisumu

Used Car Dealers

Kisumu, Kenya

ELYCO AUTO PAINTINGWhen's the last time the last time you gave your car a brand new second look?It is time you fell in love with you car again.Let us transform your weathered car with a brand new coat of paint and soon you will be driving the car you always wanted again.ELYCO COSMETIC CAR REPAIRSAccidents happen!But ELYCO MOTORS expertly trained technicians can repair your dents,dings and accidental damage to get you back on the road and on to your next adventure.We guarantee our autobody repair work and with over 30,000 cars serviced annually,Our results speak for themselves.INSUARANCE CLAIMSWhether it's minor damage or large repairs.ELYCO MOTORS has been trusted auto body repair shop for more than 500,000 drivers.We work with all major insuarance companies to schedule,inspect and repair your vehicles seamlessly.Trust the autobody shop that makes it easy,affordable and relaiable to repair your vehicle.

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