South African Institute of Foundrymen

Automobile Parts
  • Wadeville, South Africa

Africa Business Directories

South African Institute of Foundrymen

Automobile Parts

Wadeville, South Africa

Established in 1939 as a branch of the Institute of British Foundrymen, the SAIF was formed in 1964 and registered as an organisation not for gain in 2009.

The SAIF has positioned itself as the voice of the Foundry Industry in meeting the common challenges facing its member companies in cooperation with the authorities and learning institutes. In collaboration with the National Foundry Technology Network (NFTN), a proud initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and University of Johannesburg (UJ) Metal Castings Technology Station (MCTS), it facilitates initiatives to assist the industry in overcoming challenges.

Gauteng Foundry Training Centre – SAIF managed the conception of the plant & machinery and some of the building construction on behalf of all the stakeholders.

Building partnerships – By representing industry and coordinating initiatives to add value to the assistance provided by government and other institutions.

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