Dejen Cross Border Freight Transport Owners Association

Freight & Logistics
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Dejen Cross Border Freight Transport Owners Association

Freight & Logistics

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dejen Cross Border Level 1-A Freight Transport Owners Association is engaged in providing an overland and inland freight transportation service. It is a leading transportation Association in Ethiopia. Owners Provides the services for all importable, exportable and local freights. The association has a capacity to uplift more than 2,000 tones of bulk cargoes directly from vessels per day. 

Our main overland corridor is Djibouti-Ethiopia. For dependable, quality and prompt transportation service, Dejen is your best choice.
Freight Transportation service. The association can uplift more than 300,000 tones of cargo per annum. 

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