Felicity Group

  • Nairobi, Kenya

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Felicity Group


Nairobi, Kenya

Felicity Group is a Business a Operation Consulting firm. Our expertise has become well known in a very quiet manner. People are very aware of what we do and our referral partners continue to create our opportunities. We intend to become more active in other areas through trade association speaking and Internet content marketing.
This should lead us into doing more assessments in the early stages of a business crisis.  Accountants seldom share these clients with us but, through educational marketing material, we feel that our growth will be very much determined by the relationships we build in this area. 

Product/Service Innovation
My prospects have been generated by referrals from accountants, bankers and insurance people who  have developed a high degree of trust with my end  client. This allows me to move through my marketing  funnel very quickly and efficiently. The Know, Like and 
Trust phases are steps that until recently have been ignored because of these relationships. 

The trial stage is a paid assessment that is based on:
Financial Ratio Assessment
Sales and Marketing Evaluation
Operational Assessment
Organizational Assessment
Present Cost Structure
Product Mix Analysis
Future Viability of Product(s)
Cash Flow Projections
The buy stage occurs after this intensive analysis and report; a meeting is made of key players to see if  and/or future services are desired. 

The engagement is then proposed, with Objectives clearly defined.
The repeat stage has been used to create an ongoing consulting fee to run an objective assessment, much like the trial phase, on a regular basis.

The referral phase has been a neglected phase that we wish to expand in our new marketing strategies to help build better relationships among the financial communities.
In the present economy, we feel there is a greater need for our services and that our experience can be utilized in the earlier declining stages of a company. 

"Why wait for trouble?" will be our tagline to develop  awareness with the financial and small-business community.

Service Experience
Our customer loyalty program has been nonexistent  in the past except through occasional phone calls. We  intend to bring additional value to our customers with once-a-month mailings and by developing a website which allows them to communicate with us on a regular basis.

Loyalty Product/Service Offerings
Much of our success is based on meeting the  objectives that are outlined to our customers and only taking jobs that we can be successful with. We owe it to our customers to provide a clear outline of what constitutes a finished job and to provide a 
completion report. Typically, we understand the customer's business so well that value features can be added after completion at a minimal cost to them.

We will look for these opportunities so that our  relationship is continued.  We will leave a vehicle of communication open to our
customers through our service agreement.

Gap Dashboard
Our metrics consist of building relationships. Our ultimate goal is to do assessments earlier in the process of a downturn. Our referral partners and end-customers must be educated about the early signs of trouble and what an operation assessment can do for them. Accountants must not feel that they are giving up any part of their income or customer dependency by including us in this process.

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