Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority

Freight & Logistics
  • Tema, Ghana

Agents in Africa

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Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority

Freight & Logistics

Tema, Ghana

THE PORTS OF GHANA have recently been described as the 'Preferred hub ports in the sub-region'. This accolade did not come out of the blue: it was through hard work and good management initiatives. The critical role of GPHA will be the responsibility in the development and growth of foreign trade and the promotion of Ghana as the sub-region's preferred transport and trade corridor.A significant development has been the emergence and steady growth of transit traffic. 

Our major customers include: Ship Owners and their Agents, Freight Forwarders, Cargo Handling Companies, Importers and Exporters, Haulage Companies, Ship Chandlers, Off-dock Terminal Operators, Warehouse Companies, Dock Labour Pool Operators, etc.

GPHA has a vision to reduce the cost of trade, provide and maintain efficient modern Port facilities, aid in regional development and also provide and maintain safe and secure sea ports for the nation and sub region.

Our ports are highly competitive and we operate paperless clearance procedures, efficient cargo delivery systems as well as a friendly tariff regime.Port efficiency transcends GPHA and its licensed terminal operators and is impacted by the activities of the different agencies and individuals involved in the handling of international consignments. All agencies, but especially the CEPS (Customs, Excise & Preventative Service), have complementary roles to play. 

GPHA has therefore initiated various programmes to enhance the capacity and efficient operation of the ports. Among these are: > The Master Plan Study, which GPHA has completed with the assistance of the Japan International Corporation (JICA) > A Land Utilisation Study aimed at optimising the use of port lands. These studies provide directions for the infrastructural development of the two ports, including the creation of the most advanced container ports in West Africa. 
GPHA is also creating Inland Container Depots (ICDs) and has signed a BOT contract with a private operator to develop an offdock ICD. Commissioning of this facility was expected in early 2005. As we enter into landlord port status, we wish all stakeholders in the ports a happy working environment, peace and prosperity. Long live GPHA, long live all our customers.

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