Dirdeiry & Associates

  • Khartoum, Sudan

Pattex Dubai Africa

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Dirdeiry & Associates


Khartoum, Sudan

Dirdeiry & Associates is a leading law firm in Sudan commercial law practice and consultancy. Currently, the services of the firm are retained by international banks, international airliners, leading regional and national companies, TV and Radio stations, and reputable funds and financing bodies. Commercial arbitration and litigation are among the firm's major fields of activity. 

The firm collaborates with and receives referrals from European, Asian and Arab law firms regarding activities of their clients in Sudan. At the same time, Dirdeiry & Associates is a major consultant in the fields of constitutional law, human rights and law reform advice. We are currently advising international programs that assist Sudan law enforcement agencies. 

The firm also advises UN agencies on issues of progressive development of Sudan laws on different fields ranging from land law to bicameralism.

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