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National Batteries Company (Battariat) under TASNEE umbrella is the first Saudi Arabian Automotive Battery Manufacturer, producing quality batteries based on Advanced German Technology from Varta Batterie AG, Germany. Commencing its operations in 1998 the Company has since been extremely successful in consolidating its product name and image in the Domestic, GCC, Middle East and African Markets as a premium quality battery manufacturer. NBC is expanding into wide International export markets in MEA. European and Asian countries.
The IS0-9001 approved modern plant is capable of producing over 2.3 million units of Automotive Batteries and also envisages production of Standby, Motive Power and VRLA batteries in the near future. Currently Battariat produces Premium Quality SMF "Actron Plus and Igniter Brands", Premium Hybrid Dry Charge "NBC Brand" and Standard Hybrid Dry Charge "Super, Spark, Horizon, JS, Power-X and Alpha Brands" to meet the different categories of consumers.
National Batteries Company (Battariat) is the first Saudi Arabian Automotive Battery Manufacturer, producing quality products, based on Advanced German Technology from Varta Batterie AG, Germany. The National Industrialization Company (TASNEE) holds 90% of the company’s shareholding, while the remaining share holding is held by reputed businessmen of the country.
The modern plant facility was commissioned and its commercial operation started in the year 1998 and has since been marketing its products mainly in the Domestic, GCC, Middle East and African Markets. Within a short span, the company has been successful in consolidating its product name and image in the Domestic and International Markets as a premium quality battery manufacturer. The company is expanding its commercial operations and has of late entered into wide international export markets in the Middle Eastern and African Countries.
Plant Capacity
The plant is capable of producing over 2.3 Million units of Automotive Batteries. NBC also envisages production of Industrial Batteries: Standby (Reserve) Batteries, Motive Power Batteries and VRLA batteries in the near future.
Product Quality
Battariat produces a host of Dry Charged and Wet of JIS, DIN & SAE standards and ranges under a strictly controlled Total Quality Assurance program with advanced quality control and testing methodologies. All of the company’s laboratory & testing equipments are from Germany. In acknowledgement of its quality operations, Battariat has been accredited with ISO-9002 Certification.
Battariat products namely NBC, ACTRON Plus and IGNITER brands have been accredited by SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization)
The plant & latest machinery installations, designed by Varta Batterie-AG, Germany, are procured from the world renowned manufactures. This enables the facility not only to produce standard quality products but also to undertake production of any specific customization that might be required for various applications.
Further, the production process is installed with inbuilt "mistake-proof" devices within the plant & machinery that enable the company to produce high quality products taking care of human errors.
Branding & Labeling
The company currently produces the premium quality of Sealed Maintenance Free Battery “ACTRON Plus & IGNITER, Dry Charged Hybrid battery NBC and the standard quality “SUPER”, “SPARK”, "HORIZON", "JS", "POWER-X", VOLTECH, ALPHA, MEGA, COVA and PROMASTER brands to cater to different categories of consumers. All the brands produced by the company are registered under relevant commercial authorities.
The company policy on branding and labeling is flexible enough to accommodate orders for private brands/labels for major clients and OEMs. However, the company maintains its premium quality brands as its flagship for handling/representation by, exclusively quality conscious clients.
Logistics Strengths
The production process is adequately complemented by procurement of high quality Raw Materials like Lead and Lead Alloys & PP Containers from its own affiliate companies; RASASS & ROWAD respectively.
All cartons for packaging are procured from another Battariat affiliate company; Watan Pac. This advantage of assured & timely material supplies are reflected in our consistent high service standards and prompt deliveries.