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The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is the Drug Regulatory Authority established under the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, Chapter 244 of the Laws of Kenya. The Board regulates the Practice of Pharmacy and the Manufacture and Trade in drugs and poisons.
The Board aims to implement the appropriate regulatory measures to achieve the highest standards of safety, efficacy and quality for all drugs, chemical substances and medical devices, locally manufactured, imported, exported, distributed, sold, or used, to ensure the protection of the consumer as envisaged by the laws regulating drugs in force in Kenya.
Product Registration
The Minister for Health in consultation with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board is empowered by section 44(1) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, Cap 244 and misc. Amendments of 2002 to make rules under which medicines may be imported, manufactured for sale or sold in Kenya.
Pharmacy Practice
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is committed to its mission to ensure the availability of pharmaceutical services in Kenya which satisfy the needs of all for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases using safe, efficacious, high quality and cost effective pharmaceutical products.
Manufacturer Services
The Board reserves the right to verify the Good Manufacturing Practices Compliance of the manufacturer at the applicant's expense.
Wholesale distribution and retail forms part of the supply chain of manufactured therapeutic goods. Wholesalers are responsible for effective, efficient and safe handling, storage and distribution of such products.