  • Johannesburg, South Africa

Agents in Africa



Johannesburg, South Africa

Catalyst Solutions specialises in assisting companies to gain access to various lucrative grants and tax incentives. Incentive programmes can generally be categorized under five main headings: capital investment, job creation, increased competitiveness, industry specific and research and development incentives. We work with our clients throughout their business value chain to identify and formulate an appropriate strategy for their unique situation.

Catalyst Solutions are global leaders in identifying and securing novel funding solutions including grants and tax incentives that will enable your business to innovate and grow.

We carefully consider the goals and challenges of every partner business and implement a holistic programme to drive growth and exceed industry benchmarks.

Catalyst Solutions are global leaders in identifying and securing innovative funding solutions including grants and tax incentives that will enable your business to innovate and grow.

We don’t just look for opportunities. We help your business become more effective at taking advantage of opportunities and realising material savings. Our multidisciplinary team will work with businesses to optimise resources, thoroughly analyse industry opportunities and open new opportunities they’re needed them most.

Whether it’s a startup developing breakthrough technologies or a multinational corporation seeking to free up or get access to more productive capital, we offer partner businesses the resources that can make the difference between sluggish performance and accelerated growth.

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