Road Freight Association (RFA)

Freight & Logistics
  • Gauteng, South Africa

Africa Automotive Directory

Road Freight Association (RFA)

Freight & Logistics

Gauteng, South Africa

By marshalling the industry's resources together, the RFA is able to take on challenges that individual companies on their own cannot do. This is apparent not only in the political arena, where the Association is effective and respected, but in other areas as well. In recent years, the RFA has defended the industry's interests in a number of legislative processes, and the Association is seeking to enhance the industry's image through creative and strategic campaigns.

The RFA, by drawing on the strengths, energy and commitment of its members, has also provided the vision necessary for the success of the industry in the future.

Through lobbying government authorities, The RFA influences policy (regulation) and legislation affecting the road freight industry. Membership of The Road Freight Association provides members with important lobbying strength that advances the industry's agenda in South Africa . Membership adds valuable opportunities to increase the competitiveness of members' businesses and helps with day-to-day operational issues. 

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