Aijuka Media Productions Ltd.

  • Kampala, Uganda

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Product Pictures

Aijuka Media Productions Ltd.


Kampala, Uganda

We specialize in producing digital video content for the emerging mobile device marketplace tailored for consumers using video enabled mobile phones, Apple iPods, digital video players as well as Internet devices and main stream media. We also produce high quality digital films, documentaries for campaigns & advocacy programs, adverts TV & radio shows. With 8 years experience in the filming and media production industry.

Aijuka Media Productions Ltd abbreviated as AMP is a legally registered company located on Plot 61 Nazareth, Kyanja-Kungu Rd, 4kms away from Kampala City Centre; specializes in producing digital video content for the emerging mobile device marketplace tailored for consumers using video enabled mobile phones, Apple iPods, digital video players as well as Internet devices and main stream media. 

We also produce high quality digital films, documentaries for campaigns & advocacy programs, adverts, TV & radio shows. With 7years experience in the filming and media production industry, AMP has served a variety of clientele by producing quality documentaries utilized for advocacy campaigns and sensitization.

Our Services and Products: 

We are hands on given the field experience gained by our team in filming and production of varying programs ranging from current issues to idea scripting that require different media interventions. 

Why Choose AMP 

We are passionate about producing creative programs that impact change in the lives of our targeted audience. Our involvement in the script writing process is thorough so as to ensure that the client’s idea is well disseminated.

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